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Updated: Jun 5, 2023

It was a successful day full of emotions.

May 28th - Menstrual Hygiene Day.

Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Day was created by the German-based organization NGO WASH United as recently as 2014. The day was created to normalize the action of menstruation and the importance of access to hygiene during this time, with the support of over 270 global partners.

Why 28th of May ?

According to UNFPA, May 28 signifies the menstrual cycle of females. As a fertility cycle lasts for 28 days, the date chosen to mark the day is 28. In the same way, an average period lasts for five days and therefore May, the fifth day of the month is selected.

In my opinion, one way to fight Menstrual Poverty is to break the taboo related to menstruation itself. I would like sanitary pads to be like accessories for a woman. If we can match underwear to our outfits, why can't we do it with a sanitary pads? Not everyone can use tampons or a menstrual cup. And the only available product are normal sanitary pads, which are white in color and usually are made out of plastic. Therefore, on that important day, Sewing Together organized a meeting, an exhibition of photos from collaborations with brands like Kaaskas , Neige, The Odder Side , and also invited guests could see a collection of reusable sanitary pads in all the colors of the rainbow! I hope, that in the future it will be possible to match the pad to every summer dress.

Beside the above , there were few suprices , but about that, in next blog post , the hint is in the pictures . .

Big thank you to Residence No. 4 who donated their space for the event, for mannequines which decorated the event, Ulotki777 for printing our images and all the supporters of Sewing Together.

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